Logos, Packaging, Illustrations & more...


Aphoteke Winery

  • Client: Aphoteke Winery
  • Date: 24 March 2021
Aphoteke Winery



This company located in Berlin (Germany) and with its headquarters in Malaga, counted on us to create its brand. At the meeting they explained to us that, for generations, the family business has always been dedicated to pharmacy and that they wanted to diversify the business and invest in something different, finally deciding to create an online import and export company for wines and spirits.

Later, in our "Brainstorming" we decided to design the logo in several visual factors: first, to create the brand name, in this we chose to call it "Apotheke" (pharmacy in German),  maintaining the spirit associated with the old family business. For the symbol we used the pharmaceutical icon of the snake in the shape of a corkscrew and an "A" making a reference to the product and brand name.

The corporate colors used are black and burgundy, based on the typical colors of the bottle and wine.


"Branding identifies you, design differentiates you"


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